Procedures for Attorney Admission to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
Effective January 21, 2020 the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey became a NextGen CM/ECF court. In order to request admission to practice, you must have an upgraded individual PACER account. If you do not have an upgraded individual PACER Account, Click HERE for procedures. If you do not have a PACER Account, you may register for a PACER account at: Once you have an upgraded individual PACER account, follow the below instructions for Attorney Admission. It is recommended that you check the New Jersey District Court’s website to review admission requirements, local rules, and procedures at:
Attorney Admission Requirements
An attorney must be a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court and in good standing before being admitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Attorneys are not automatically admitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey upon admission to the Bar of the State of New Jersey. Local Rule 101.1 governs the court’s bar admission procedures.
Attorney Admission Application and Instructions
1. The candidate must complete the Application for Attorney Admission to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Click HERE for the application. The candidate must have the Oath administered by an individual authorized to administer oaths (a judge, an attorney, or notary). The person may be an official of any jurisdiction.
2. In addition to the application, the candidate must also provide a current (fewer than 30 days old) New Jersey Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing. You may obtain the New Jersey Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing by contacting the New Jersey State Board of Bar Examiners. There is a $20 fee charged by the State of New Jersey for each certificate. New Jersey State Courts website:
3. The completed Application for Attorney Admission to the U.S. District Court and New Jersey Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing WILL BE UPLOADED AS ONE DOCUMENT through the attorney’s individual PACER Account to the “ATTORNEY ADMISSONS” option for the District of New Jersey. DO NOT MAIL COPIES TO THE COURT.
NOTE: Please disregard the Sponsoring Attorney box on the PACER Attorney Admissions information screen. A sponsoring attorney is not required by the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.
4. The Application for Attorney Admission to the U.S. District Court and the New Jersey Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing must be submitted as one document through PACER to the District of New Jersey at least seven (7) days prior to the date the applicant wishes to be admitted.
5. If your admission documents are complete AND you are eligible to be admitted, the Clerk’s Office will send you an email instructing you to pay the $225 admission fee through your PACER account. The fee must be paid through PACER prior to being admitted.
6. If payment is not received within 7 days of the email notification, the Court will require the candidate to submit a new Application for Attorney Admission and an updated New Jersey Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing.
7. On receipt of payment, your date of admission will be entered into the attorney admission records. An email will be sent notifying you of the date of admission. A Certificate of Admission will be mailed to you within 45 days of your admission.
8. Once admitted, you will be given full ECF filing access in the District of New Jersey.
9. Any name, address, law firm, and/or telephone number changes MUST be made through the attorney’s PACER account. Click on the QUICK LINKS tab and Select “Manage My Account” to update the address or other information.
10. For any questions about the attorney admission process, please contact the Attorney Admissions Office at 609-989-0468 or email the Finance Office at:
U.S. District Court for Certificate of Good Standing
1. To obtain a U.S. District Court Certificate of Good Standing, please complete the Request for Certificate of Good Standing. Click HERE for the Request form. All information should be completed to ensure that your Certificate is correct. If you know your New Jersey State Attorney ID Number, please include it.
2. Effective December 1, 2023, the fee for a Certificate of Good Standing is $21.00 payable to Clerk, U.S. District Court.
3. Forward the application, payment and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Attorney Admissions Office. The Certificate of Good Standing will be mailed within five business days.
Requests by Non-ECF Users for Bar Admission Changes
Non-ECF users who need to make changes to the Court’s Bar Admission records (i.e. address, law firm, telephone number, email changes) should Click HERE and complete the form in its entirety. The signed form may be submitted to the Attorney Admissions Office via regular mail or email.
Requests by Non-ECF Users for Name Change/Correction
Non-ECF users who need to report a name change or correction to the name currently on the Court’s Bar Admission records should Click HERE and complete the form in its entirety. The signed form may be submitted to the Attorney Admissions Office via regular mail or email.
Pro Hac Vice
1. An attorney not eligible for admission to the Bar of the New Jersey District Court pursuant to Local Rule 101.1(b) may, on motion, be permitted to appear pro hac vice and participate in a particular case.
2. Local Rule 101.1(c) governs the admission of an attorney pro hac vice.
3. The motion to appear pro hac vice shall be filed via PACER by a member of the bar of this Court.
4. Upon the granting of a motion to appear pro hac vice, the out-of-state attorney is required to make a payment of $250 on each admission payable to the Clerk, U.S. District Court.
5. The order granting a motion to appear pro hac vice shall require the out-of-state attorney to make a payment to the New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection as provided by New Jersey State Court Rule 1:28-2(a).
6. Pursuant to New Jersey Court Rule 1:21-2(a), an attorney granted admission pro hac vice must include a copy of the order granting such permission when submitting to the New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection the annual fee provided for by Rule 1:20-1.
7. According to Local Civil Rule 101.1(c)(4), local counsel must file papers, enter appearances for parties, sign stipulations or sign and receive payments on judgments, decrees or orders.
8. An attorney admitted pro hac vice may request to receive Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) of documents. Click here for instructions, and submit the form found here. Please be advised, local counsel must sign with scanned signature.
Attorney Admissions Office
United States District Court Clarkson S. Fisher Federal Building and United States Courthouse
Attn: Finance Department
402 East State Street, Room 2020
Trenton, NJ 08608
Telephone No.: (609) 989-0468