Online Criminal Debt Payments
You may make online payments for criminal debt such as special assessments, fines, and criminal restitution. Payments are made through the U.S. Treasury website,, using a checking account, savings account or a card (debit or pre-paid only).
Please note that this covers criminal debt. Tickets issued on federal property are different and are paid at the CVB website.
If you have questions about online payments, please call the Clerk's Office of the U.S. District Court at 609-989-0468.
Make a payment on
How is bail money posted with the Clerk's Office returned?
The US Attorney's Office must authorize the release and return of any bail (money and/or property) posted. You may contact the US Attorney's Office at (973) 645-2700. Once the bond is cancelled, an Order will be signed directing the Clerk to return bail.
What bond companies do you recommend?
The Court is not allowed to recommend bond companies. Here is a link of certified companies providing surety bonds : Department of Treasury's Listing of Certified Companies
Cashier's Office
Mitchell H. Cohen U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building
400 Cooper Street, Room 1050
Camden, NJ 08101
Attn: Finance Office
Telephone Number: (856) 757-5266
Cashier's Window Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm.
Martin Luther King, Jr. U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building
50 Walnut Street, Room 4015
Newark, NJ 07101
Attn: Finance Office
Telephone Number: (973) 622-4810
Cashier's Window Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm.
Clarkson S. Fisher U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building
402 East State Street, Room 2020
Trenton, NJ 08608
Attn: Finance Department
Telephone Number: (609) 989-0468
Cashier's Window Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm.
Victim Restitution Information - Making Payments
Who do I contact to receive a judgment of satisfaction, information on payment statements received?
Please contact the U.S. Attorney's Office (Financial Litigation Unit) at (973) 645-2700 located at 970 Broad St., Room 700, Newark, NJ 07102.
My case is closed and I am trying to get a statement that I have satisfied my financial obligations.
To receive a payment history send your request via email at: or by telephone at: (609) 989-0468/0492. The payment history is not a Satisfaction of Judgment document. To receive a Satisfaction of Judgment contact the U. S. Attorney's Office (973) 645-2700 located at 970 Broad St., Room 700, Newark, NJ 07102.
What form of payment does the Court accept?
Checks/cashier checks, money orders, and online payment via (debit card, ACH Paypal debit/ACH). Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee or debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check
To whom should the check/money order be made payable?
Check/money orders are payable to "Clerk, U.S. District Court". Please include all pertinent information on your check/money order (payee name and/or who it is for, amount, date, signature, case number, etc.) clearly and legibly. If the Court is unable to read or apply your check/money order to the correct account it may be returned to you or deposited into the unidentifiable account. Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee or debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check
Where should I send payments?
Payments may be sent to Camden, Newark or Trenton. Please go to the "Contact Us" link for the addresses. Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check.
Online payments can be made via Please click the "Online Payments for Court Ordered Payments" to make a payment.
How can I get a receipt for my payment?
If mailing your payment, include a self addressed stamped envelope and a receipt will be returned to you. If paying online, you will automatically receive a receipt if you provide an email address when making a payment.
Funds sent via US Treasury's Credit Gateway System
The Clerk's Office may accept, report, and process court ordered payments and civil case payments in excess of $50,000.00 through the Department of Treasury's Credit Gateway System. Collections equal or greater than $50 million require advanced notification to the Administrative Office's Finance and Accounting Division and Treasury's Bureau of Fiscal Service. The EFTs are receipted directly into the Department of Treasury, handled by the Federal Reserve Banking System and referred to as "Fedwire" payments or "ACH" credit transactions.
Please contact the finance department at (609) 989-0468 to obtain the necessary instructions.
Victim Restitution Information - Receiving Payments
I have received a check and do not know what it's for.
Please contact the Finance Department via email to: or phone (609) 989-0468 for additional information.
This is not the full amount I am supposed to receive. Where is the rest?
The amount of money paid into the account doesn't reflect what can be paid to an individual victim when there is more than one victim. The Court cannot pay more than it has received. When payments are collected, the system distributes payments according to the Court order.
How often are restitution checks sent out?
Restitution checks are paid at least once a month. Cases with sufficient funds will be issued a check, once the $50 minimum threshold is reached.
I haven't received a restitution check in a long time, why not?
There are a few instances that can happen under this category:
- If the defendant doesn't pay into the account, the Court cannot pay out any funds to the person(s) owed.
- The Court may not have your current address. Please see "Change of Address" to be sure the Court has your current address.
Can you force or do something so that the defendant would make more payments or pay more money?
If you have questions concerning enforcement of a Judgment of Conviction, please contact the US Attorney's Office Financial Litigation Program General Number at 973 645-2700.
I have not received a restitution check in a long time, why not? I know a victim that has received a check for restitution but I have not received one, why not? I am owed more restitution than what was given to me on this check, where is the rest?
Funds are distributed pursuant to court order and based on payments received. Monies that are received are receipted into the particular case; when the amount owed reaches the minimum threshold (currently $50) for the victim's account, a check will be generated and processed. As long as sufficient funds are received, restitution checks will be generated. The Finance Department collects and disburses funds. We do not enforce payments on defendants, nor do we have authority over liens on property. For this type of information, please contact the U.S. Attorney's Office at (973) 645-2700 located at 970 Broad St., Room 700, Newark, NJ 07102.
I just received a restitution check and need more information about the check.
If you have received a United States Treasury check from the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and are unsure of its purpose, the case number, reference number, name, the Court's phone number will be printed to the right of the date on the check. Contact the Finance Department in the Trenton Clerk's Office. For more detailed information about a particular case, please contact the U.S. Attorney's Office (Financial Litigation Unit) at (973) 645-2700 located at 970 Broad St., Room 700, in Newark, NJ.
Does the Clerk's Office accept credit card payments over the phone?
No. Payments can be made online via debit card, ACH or Paypal debit/ACH. Please click "Online Payments for Court Ordered Payments" to make an online payment. For any questions contact the Finance Department at (609) 989-0468.
What is CRIS?
The Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) is an interest-bearing cash management tool administered by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts that provides Clerks with an easy, efficient and safe way to comply with federal requirements concerning the handling of Court Registry Funds.
What are the CRIS objectives?
CRIS has four objectives (listed in order of priority):
- Safety of Principal - The overriding objective of registry cash management is to provide for the maximum protection of principal.
- Sufficient Liquidity - Adequate funds must be available to comply with all court ordered disbursements without endangering principal by surrendering securities before maturity.
- Reduced Administrative Costs - In CRIS, the registry funds are pooled to purchase Treasury securities. The pooling allows the CRIS Fund Manager to make significantly fewer, but larger transactions than would otherwise be possible. This keeps transaction costs to a minimum.
- Market Rate Earnings - The total pool of registry funds earns market rates of return. Registry funds in CRIS are invested in short-term Treasury securities, thus eliminating any need for collateral.
How does CRIS operate?
The CRIS registry funds are pooled and used to purchase U.S. Treasury securities. These securities are held to maturity, and the portfolio is structured so that sufficient securities mature each week to pay out funds for all registry cases settled during the week. Funds are invested in Government Account Series (GAS) securities under the Bureau of Public Debt's Federal Investment Program.
How is money deposited with the Court?
Money sent to the Court for deposit into the Court's Registry Fund requires a court order. Unless otherwise directed, all Registry Funds paid into the Court are deposited with the Treasurer of the United States pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2041 through depositories designated by the Treasury to accept such deposit on its behalf.
How does money get transferred to CRIS?
The Court order must direct the transfer of the funds deposited into the Court's Registry Fund to the Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) administered by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. The party making the deposit or transferring funds to the Court's registry shall serve the order permitting the deposit or transfer on the Clerk of Court, the Chief Deputy of Administration or the Finance Manager. Money is deposited into CRIS once weekly on Wednesdays.
What is a designated or qualified settlement fund?
A registry account may be a designated or qualified settlement fund only if:
- (1)There has been a settlement agreement in the case;
- (2)The court has entered an order establishing or approving a deposit into the registry as a settlement fund, and
- (3) The liability resolved by the settlement agreement is of a kind described in 26 U.S.C. 468B or 26 C.F.R. 1.468B-1(c).
See: US Code - Office of the Law Revision Counsel
Cornell University - Special Rules for Designated Settlement Funds
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the depositing party to identify any registry deposit intended to be a designated or qualified settlement fund.
How do I get monies deposited with the Court released?
A court order is required to disburse funds. The proposed order shall be approved as to form and content by the Clerk and contain the Clerk's endorsement thereon prior to submitting the order to the assigned Judge. If the disbursement includes interest earned while on deposit, IRS Form W-9 is required for each payee. Money is withdrawn from CRIS once weekly on Wednesdays. After the Court receives confirmation, a payment document is processed and a check disbursed, normally within one week.