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Remotely Attending Public Hearings


Please follow the steps below to remotely attend a civil public (virtual or in-person) hearing via teleconference (Remote public audio access to criminal proceedings is not permitted):

  1. Send an email to stating that you would like to remotely attend a public hearing. You must include your name and telephone number, the case name, case number, and the date and time of the hearing. By submitting your request, you consent to follow all the Court’s teleconferencing rules. (Court hearings can be monitored via the Court’s ECF RSS feed or by viewing Calendar Events Report or Docket Activity Report on PACER)
  2. A form will be sent to you with rules and instructions for attending the hearing. Do not share this information with anyone.

No court proceedings may be photographed, recorded, broadcast, or otherwise transmitted/retransmitted without the express permission of the Court.